
Working in an office is great, but sometimes it can be difficult to focus and stay motivated. We’ve pulled together some simple and easy ways you can boost your productivity in the office. Whether you’re the boss or you’ve just started, there’s always ways we can improve our work, and maybe one of these tips will be just what you needed.

1Get out of your office chair

It’s great to get out of your chair every now and again and have a stroll around the office. Taking a little break and moving around is a great way to freshen your focus and get some exercise.

2Spend a little time organising

Office desks can get cluttered easily and you don’t want to waste time looking for a file. Take 10 minutes at the start of the week to have an organise and get everything so you know where it is. Try the same on your computer!

3Be comfortable

Having office furniture that is comfortable and fit for purpose can really help your mood. You can do without an awful chair that hurts your back or a table that wobbles, so have a look at our online office furniture.

4Reward yourself

If you’ve just completed a tough project or handled a difficult client – you deserve a treat! Keep some favourite snacks in an office drawer or listen to some music for five minutes. It’s also a great way to power through that tricky situation – just think about the reward!

5Know your ideal schedule

If you’re not a morning person then doing the toughest task of your day first thing might be unwise. Do a few easier jobs first and tackle that big task in the afternoon. And if you love mornings, don’t wait until the afternoon – do your best work at your best time.


Being part of a team is a great way to work, so take advantage of working with others and their expertise. Maybe someone else will have a great perspective on what you’re stuck on?


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