What do Madonna, Bill Gates and the NHS all have in common? They all use the principles of Feng Shui in their professional lives, and this is no coincidence. The ancient Chinese art of harmonizing with your environment is tailor made for your home and office, and will help you to stay cool, organised and productive throughout your day. However there is one object, that has a rather large effect on the Feng Shui, the clock.

Most of us wouldn’t give the placement of the clock a second thought, however according to the laws of Feng Shui, it can have a considerable effect on your prosperity and success. The famous Feng Shui consultant Rashi Gaur has some simple tips to welcome abundance when clocks are placed in the correct place, and this blog is here to talk you through them.

The Ideal Place

The ideal place to put your clock is on the walls that are on the North, or the North east side of the building. If these walls aren’t available for whatever reason you can place them on the wall nearest the west, however this is only a second option.

The reasons for this

According to the Feng Shui society, when clocks are placed on the North side of the room, it is known to bring wealth and security and when they are placed on the North East side, it is known to bring good health.

The place you want to steer clear of

Make sure that your clock is never ever hanging above the door that you enter and exit from, as this is known to bring bad look.

Keep them at the correct time

While it’s okay to have the time set for a few minutes ahead, never have it running behind. It is essential to keep the time accurate or you might end up behind in your goals and ambitions.

Don’t think twice about purchasing yourself a good watch

If you see a watch that tickles your fancy but might perhaps be slightly pricey, don’t hesitate! Buy the watch as a good watch represents good times.

However, one important point to remember is, if your clock breaks, get it fixed immediately. Stopped watches and clocks should never be allowed to be displayed as they symbolically bring stagnation to your life.


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