“Don’t say you don’t have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein.”
Do you always seem to be running out of those precious 24 hours? Well never fear, this blog contains 5 helpful tips to improve your time management and help you get more done.
1. Do the things you hate doing, first
This is a very important tip, because by following this simple rule you’ll find that you will get tons more done, and all that’s changed is the order of how you do things. For example: if you have heaps of scanning to do or have lots of boring revision to get done and you also need to do some slightly more pleasant things, such as: dealing with a polite customer, or stationery shopping for school, if you get the boring tasks out of the way, the enjoyable tasks will happen without much time or effort because you want to do them. Simple.
‘Procrastination is an addiction’
2. Make a plan
Although this may take a while and may seem like a waste of time, in the long run it makes a busy day much easier, more organised and makes everything feel a little less ‘all over the place’. Including breaks in your plan is also very important.
Rewarding yourself after completing long tasks gives you something to look forward to whilst enduring them, which will motivate you and make time go faster and this is what you want whilst doing something really boring.
3. No procrastinating
Procrastinating and putting things off is against the rules. The consequences of breaking this rule can be serious because once you start you cannot stop. Procrastination is an addiction.
Have you ever said to yourself ‘ill do that later?’ or ‘ill get up early and do that in the morning? These are some the biggest lies we tell ourselves because we all know we won’t be getting up at 6.am to do that horrendously boring job we promised ourselves we’d do a week ago.
4. Get the little annoying jobs done during waiting times
Are there ever things that you know you need to get done, but aren’t urgent enough for you to do straight away, like having untidy drawer or desk? Well why not get these things done whilst you wait for your computer to load or update, making productive use out of your waiting time.
5. Be proactive
If someone asks you to do something and you don’t have time, simply say no. If you want to have something, ask. All they can say is no. If you want something to happen, make it happen. Being proactive can help you save lots of time and energy, so be it.