At last the snow seems to have gone finally, and we are now greeted with warmer weather, flowers, and annoying wasps invading our offices at really inconvenient times.

With spring however comes the urge to de-clutter and reorganize before summer begins, this may seem like a quite daunting task but never fear, Office Monster has some fantastic tips to get you through.

Keep only what you need at arms length

Piles of paper, dirty coffee cups and chewed up pens need to be replaced by only the items you use every day. Such as a stapler, some pens and how about a full cup of coffee instead?


This is an important one because this means you can clear up all those important documents from within your drawers and lying on your desk and put them in color coordinated folders, so you know exactly where everything is, at all time.


Many office workers across the globe own one of these: a drawer where empty staplers, old pens and broken pens get thrown in just to get them out of the way.

Now these objects may be out of sight for the moment, but every time the drawer is opened, you’ll here the haunting rattle of all these insignificant objects, just calling for you to sort them out. The solution: a draw divider. This will help keep your drawers organised, not just for spring but for the whole year.

Organize your wires

Using fold back clips, is a great way to organize wires and stop them from getting tangled. You can also write on them so you know which wire is for which plug.


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