Although spring is just around the corner, we still have one final blast of icy weather upon us which means we need to take a little more care than usual, when driving around and preparing to go to work. So to help you out, and make sure your driving is safe throughout winter, we have put together some tips.
Defog the windows
When driving around in below freezing weather conditions, windows can quickly become foggy and make driving around dangerous.
Therefore, you need a solution, and we suggest a cheap white board eraser to keep in the pocket next to the driving seat, and when ever the window gets foggy, simply reach down and give the window a little wipe. Problem solved.
However if you don’t have one of these, an old tee-shirt will do, and keeping it in the glove compartment and giving the inside of the windows a wipe to get rid of any fog will make driving safer and getting on the roads quicker.
What if the key hole is too frozen to use?
This is simple. Simply grab a lighter, and hold the key in the flame until it is boiling and then any ice that is in the key hole, the boiling key will melt it and you’ll be able to unlock the car door with ease.
Keeping de-ice in the boot of your car is also very handy, and when ever you wake up to a frosty car, sometimes simply spaying some de-ice on there, sorts the car out and makes it safe to drive in less than minutes.
Sometimes when the weather is really bad, it can be a struggle to get out of the street on a morning, and if you’re struggling to get out, all your neighbors will too. But down worry, we have a solution. SALT. Simply spread a little salt on your street and drive and this will stop any sliding and make it easy for you and all your neighbors to get out of the street.