So Christmas has ended, so has the day drinking, the lie-ins till 12, and of course the ability to allow yourself to eat your own body weight in food, because you were able to use the excuse, it’s Christmas.

Now all you’ve got to look to forward to is dark mornings, long working days, a strict diet that only consists of fruit, veg and water, and attending the gym at least 5 times a week. No wonder people get bogged down during January. Therefore we have put together a few tips to help you through.

Stay Focused

In January, the most important thing to do is to get back into the swing of things, and the best way to this is to strictly stick to your New Years Resolution because over Christmas we will have all gotten used to just relaxing and over eating but now you’re back to work it’s important to get back into the swing of things and fight the urge to relax, because it’s this urge that is bringing you down and giving you the dreaded January Blues. So whatever your New Years Resolution may be, whether it’s to keep fit, or eat healthy, or to try harder at work, make sure you stick to it, and very soon you’ll start to see progress and forget all about your need to relax.

Book a Holiday

Don’t wait for summer to book yourself a holiday, you need something to look forward to. Why not book something for Easter? Or maybe even February, see if there are any cheap flights to somewhere hot and relaxing. Because one of the reasons we find January so hard is, we have had Christmas to look forward to for so long and now we have, nothing to look forward to. So, give yourself something!

Treat Yourself

Now, as well as staying focused and making sure you actually stick to your new years resolution, treating yourself is important too. For example, if your goal is to start running every night to get fitter, at the end of the week, treat yourself to some chocolate? Or a slice of cake, or take yourself out for a delicious meal instead of going running? That way, you’ll have little treats to work towards every month.

Be Kind to Yourself

This one is especially important. This tip is all about caring for yourself. So making sure you get enough rest. Often during January the weather can be quite harsh and the horrible weather on top of that can drag us down.

So make sure to have lots of hot baths after long days at work, buy lots of soft, snugly blankets to snuggle up in, and maybe make it a goal to stop social media-ing, cut down on screen time and start reading educational, refreshing books. Spending time with loved ones is also an excellent mood lifting technique.


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